Monday, June 29, 2009

110 Days Until the Walk

Well, it's 110 more days until the walk. That is 3 1/2 months away. I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone.

I wish I could say I have been training, but I still have a small hole in my foot from the removal of the plantar wart, so walking long distances have been difficult. I did have to do a LOT of walking at Beach Blast this weekend on the boardwalk, and OMG was I feeling it in my legs. So out of shape I am. Well, I am a shape, just not the one I want to be.

Fundraising is going well, we need to get our final date and location together to have our beef and beer for this year. We had so much fun last year, can't wait to do it again. But look for it to be around mid September again. We still have an open tupperware party going on for fundraising, and just finished a tupperware one, as well as our second Yankee fundraiser. We've got a couple more things up our sleeves.

Thanks for everyone's ongoing support!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Poem

I copied this off of The3Day website. It was posted by the captain of a team, and I wanted to share it with all of you.

The Angel Dressed In Pink- by Karina Rohrdanz
While skipping down a lone dirt road on a beautiful summer day,
I saw a woman with angel wings, she waved but couldn't stay.
With nothing to do and a curious mind, i decided to follow her feet.
We traveled for miles and became very tired, we just had to take a seat.
What a stunning smile this woman had, and a personality to match.
She soon showed me her battle scars, a chest with no breasts attached.
A triumphant story followed, about her journey to find a cure.
And although she's still a fighter, one day she wont have to fight anymore.
At last i understood this, hugged her, and we cried.
The sun came out from behind the trees and all of our tears dried.
"I wont forget you darling," she said with a wink.
I laughed and shouted back, "i wont forget you either! you're the angel dressed in pink!"

Let's try out a blog

So, for the last two years I've tried to keep up with a blog detailing my training walks, fundraisers, high points and tired points on the 3 day journey. And apparently, I just can't keep up with all my ideas. So here is yet another blog, that I'm going to try to keep up with.

We are about 18 weeks away from the walk. I have done perhaps 3 training walks. I'm planning on signing up for the 16 week training program. The 3 day site will email me weekly with the training I am SUPPOSED to keep up with. We all know, that I don't, but I do the best I can.

I am so excited that we have 2 more team members. In 2007 I signed up, and didn't know a soul who was walking, but walked with a team of 10 walkers and 2 crew. I had an amazing captain, and an even more amazing experience. I also left with friends I still keep in touch with today.

In 2008, my best friend decided she would take this journey with me since I made it through the 2007 walk. So together last year we formed our team "How the Breast Was Won." We had 2 walkers, and one crew member.

For the 2009 walk, we now have 5 walkers, Myself (me), Lauren (my BFF), Fawn (my good friend & babysitter), Denise (my lifelong neighbor) & Lisa (Denise's friend), and one crew, Marcella (my mommy). I also have a team of friends and family who have committed to helping me raise my $2300 goal. Cyndi, my fundraising chairperson (and HS BFF), Michelle (my dear neighbor), Heather (My SIL), Kimmie (another SIL), Debi (my old neighborhood buddy & friend), Amy (my HS friend who reconnected years ago), and Vicky (The other Vicky, who was one of my wonderful Antepartum nurses while I lived at the hospital for Aidan and Keeegan). Because of all of these friends and family, I am certain I will reach and surpass my goal. They also give super support all year long. I also have many many many friends and family who purchase fundraising products and make donations through out the year. Thanks to all of you, I wouldn't make it without all of the support.

My next post will have our current fundraising, and one day, when my foot is all better, I'll post about how our training is going.